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Kingdom Animalia - Kingdoms Slideshow

Examples of vertebrate species from the animal kingdom

Here we are. The vertebrates of the animal kingdom are most like you. We all have backbones and a skull to protect a brain and spinal cord. There are five basic groups of vertebrates. While you know you are a mammal, there are also fish, amphibians, reptiles, and birds.

Classification of vertebrate species is based on common traits.
Fish live in the water and generally use a system of gills to breathe. Amphibians still need water to reproduce but they also have the ability to breathe air. Reptiles colonized the land and were able to move away from water. They have waterproof skins and leathery eggs. Birds are thought to be an offshoot of reptiles (dinosaurs). They have hard-shelled eggs and feathers of one type or another. Mammals don't have scales and grow hair instead. There are several types of mammals. Some lay eggs, others use pouches to raise their young, and we are placental mammals that give birth to live young.

Image Credit: Andrew Rader Studios 

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